Leaflet Distribution Job Or Your Own Business?
If you need a job you can nearly always secure one with your local leaflet distribution company. There are two main reasons for this; firstly, and I’m generalising when I say this, most of them don’t pay very well, in fact it can be hard to earn minimum wages in most instances.
The second reason is; there’s always a demand for a well run leaflet distribution service, and good leaflet distribution providers always have plenty of work…and are making good money.
So if having a job in leaflet distribution doesn’t pay very well, yet there’s always a demand for the service; and it’s profitable, why not just start your own leaflet distribution business?
Think about it, why not!
It’s not complicated, you don’t need an expensive business plan, you’re not required to go out and borrow any money, you don’t have to obtain expensive licences, or, jump through any legal hoops before you can start, so there’s actually nothing stopping you, except, perhaps, you.
If you do go and work for the local leaflet company, chances are they’ll pay you at the end of each month. If you work for yourself, the majority of business owners will pay for your services upfront, or, at the very least they’ll pay as you deliver.
Also it’s highly likely you’ll be more competitive than the company you where considering working for, which, will translate into an instant advantage when marketing your new business.
What other reasons might there be to stop you starting your own leaflet distribution business? If you’ve access to a car and telephone there’s nothing stopping you, there are hundreds of businesses out there who need your services.
Now what’s required in order to be successful?
Well, you will of course need to be reliable, this is very important, and you’ll succeed or fail based on your reliability. Reliability also demands sticking to your word, if you say you’ll do something you must do it, and if you can’t, or, you’re unable to do it within the time allocated, you must tell your customer. Business owners and managers will respect your honesty.
It’s true that you’ll have to walk because the leaflets do have to be delivered, but you’d have to do that anyway if you took a job in leaflet distribution. This way by starting your own business you’ll be the boss; and within a short space of time you’ll be employing your own leaflet delivery people, should you so wish.
You will be required to go out and market your new business, and for the majority of people this will seem like the most difficult task, however, keep this in mind, almost every business must advertise, in fact, for many businesses door drop leaflet campaigns are crucial to their survival…
Business owners will listen to you, because leaflet distribution is the only means of guaranteeing their message finds its way into every home within the immediate area.
There’s nothing stopping you from starting your own business in leaflet distribution, and, finally, in order to help you make that decision, I want you to keep this in mind; you’re going to make more money doing it yourself, and once you decide to employ your own leaflet delivery people, you’ll make even more money.
If you like the idea of starting your own leaflet distribution business, you might want to take a look at: http://www.start-a-leaflet-distribution-business.co.uk it’s a simple step by step manual on starting, operating and establishing a leaflet distribution business.